Privacy Policy

The PUBLIPOS website is owned by the company ShiftActif Group, which is the controller of your personal data.

We have adopted this Privacy Policy, which determines how we are processing the information collected by the PUBLIPOS site and also explains why we need to collect personal data about you. Therefore, you should read thisPrivacy Policy and the conditions of use before using the PUBLIPOS website.

We take care of your personal data and take responsibility for ensuring confidentialityAnd security of your personal information.

What is collected

When you visit the PUBLIPOS website, we collect certain information about your device, including information about your browser, IP address, time zone and alOf the cookies installed on your device. In addition, when you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual pages or products/sites you view, about which sites or search terms have redirected you to our Site,And about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically collected information as "Device Information". In addition, we may collect personal data that you provide (including, but not limited to: Name, AboutOme, Address, payment information, etc.) during/after the registration process in order to comply with the agreement. However, you have the full right to request that the payment data of plans or credit requests be removed. In other words, only youMay allow us to save such information similar to using it in future bills or charges, and it is necessary to re-enter it in case of new acquisitions.

Data processing

Our highest priority is safetyOf users' personal data and, therefore, we can process only minimum data, only as long as it is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of the site. Information collected automatically is used to identify possible cases of abuse and esTable statistical data on the use of the directory. These statistical data are not aggregated in other ways that allow the identification of specific users of the system.

You can visit the site without telling us about who you are or reTake any information that can be used by another person to identify you individually. If, despite this, you want to use any of the features of the site, or want to receive our newsletter, or want to grant other details through the preenChimento and sending forms, you may provide personal data to us, such as your e-mail, user, "codename", address or state.You may choose not to provide personal data to us, but in this way, you may not be able to use some of the features of the site. For example, you will not be able to receive our Newsletter or contact us directly through our website. UsuArios who are not sure about what personal information is mandatory are invited to contact us at contact form.

Your rights:

If you live in Europe, these are the rights guaranteed when it comes to your personal data:

  • The right to be informed.
  • The right of access.
  • The right to rectification.
  • The right to delete.
  • The right to restrict processing.
  • The right of data portability.
  • The right to object.
  • Rights in relation to automatic decision-making and profiling.

If you want to exercise these rights, please contact us using the contact details below.

Additionally, if youIf you live in Europe, we affirm that we are processing your information to fulfill contracts that we may have entered into with you (for example, if you make a purchase on our Site), or to exercise the legitimate interests of our company listed above.In addition, please be aware that your information may be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States of America.

Links to other sites:

Our directory may contain links to other sitesThat are not controlled by us and/or are not our property. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of such websites and third-party organizations. We encourage you to be aware of when you leave ourThe site, and we also encourage you to read the privacy policy of each of the sites that may collect your personal information.

Limitations of the moderation team

Finally, when you access the directory and want to sign up forInclude sites, you understand that there are rules on the site that need to be followed. We reserve the right to remove information from your site if you do not comply with the rules, but we are limited to iNtervir in customizing your site for you. This means that under no circumstances will we modify information given as "personals of your site" that is not declared in the source code.

  • What can we change on your site included in the directory?
    • Error typing the site URL or links that return pages with conditions HTTP other than 200;
    • External images that return any request HTTP other than 200;
    • Activation or deactivation of features,Or site operations, or control panel;
    • Removal of comments, ad blocks, texts or details that go against our rules or privacy policy.

Every operation performed will be by onlyBidding of the user or moderator in the face of need. We reserve the right to remove or include information that is beneficial to the included site, as well as remove if this returns problems to the directory in general, which may harm other sites.

Information security:

We guarantee that the information you provide is on servers and computers stored in secure and controlled environments, protected from unauthorized access, uses and disclosures. UsWe take reasonable administrative, technical and physical security measures for the purpose of protecting the personal data in our custody from unauthorized access, uses, modifications and disclosures. Despite this, no data transmission by InterNet or by wireless systems can be guaranteed.

Legal statement:

We will disclose any information we collect, use or receive if such disclosure is requested or allowed by law, to comply with subpoenas or processSimilar courts, and also when we consider in good faith that disclosure is necessary for the protection of our rights, for the protection of the safety of others, for fraud investigations or to respond to a government request. We reserveWe have the right to display under court order or through an official letter, or request from the Brazilian justice, or any other country, information about your access or messages exchanged in the directory. Despite recording little information, we want to escLarecer that every detail passed on to justice will be collaborative and purely through this documented court order.

You and no one else are responsible for storing and privatizing the access data to your account on the site. If you notice strange accessesOr modifications that you did not allow, change your password and communicate to us in support. Our team of moderators never ask for data (login or password) to access or control your account, but in support through a private message, your email is requested from cAccount ration to carry out operations at your request.
